Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Class

I was feeling pretty good about things. I'd been on a long bike ride, finished two puzzles in two days, and the dog hadn't escaped from the backyard once all week. Then I saw The Class.

The movie was great. The story focuses on a year in a Parisian middle school classroom. The kids are rough around the edges, the parents are totally disengaged and the teachers are pushed to the limit. Not a surprising or especially original point of view. But it works really well because the movie doesn't try to do too much. The movie focuses on the constant tension in the classroom contrasting with the little snapshot "ah-ha" moments (Mark, that reference is for you.) from the students. There is a raw, slice of life feeling to the whole thing.

The real reason I felt like a slacker was because after watching the movie, I found out that Francois Begaudeau not only wrote the novel that the movie was based on, he also wrote the screenplay and plays M. Marin, the main character. And the film was nominated for an oscar for best foreign language picture.

Yeah, but can he hula hoop?

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