Sunday, April 6, 2008

Young @ Heart

Go see this movie. Now.

The movie follows the Young @ Heart Chorus as they prepare for their next concert. The chorus is made up of 70-90 year olds who sing songs by groups like ColdPlay, The Clash, Sonic Youth, James Brown, The Ramones and more...

This is one of my favorite movies ever. I laughed so hard, I cried. And then I just plain cried. You fall in love with these people. One hilarious segment was when Fred Knittle recounted their european tour: "We went from continent to continent until I became incontinent."

Several heart-breaking moments left me sobbing. I'm not sure I'll ever listen to ColdPlay's Fix You again without coming to tears.

I saw this movie at a special preview screening. I can't wait for this to be released (April 9th). I'm taking everyone I know.

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