Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Grit

Ouch. Has it been over a year since I've written on here?

I've continued to see movies of course, just haven't been as bloggy about them I guess. So let's kick off the new year with a great one. True Grit.

OK. Technically, I saw this in 2010, New Year's Eve with Ry and Greg. I don't usually like westerns. In fact, I usually turn around and walk out of the room when one is on in the house, but this is a great one. The kind of movie I feel like I should watch a few more times, just to soak it in. Beautiful images, unique story, stellar acting... I'm running out of my go-to adjectives, but you get the picture.

Hailee Steinfeld=Awesome. Matt Damon=OK. Josh Brolin=Hot Bad Guy With Greasy Hair. And let me just ask -- is Jeff Bridges in everything??? Seriously, the guy is everywhere. And while I doubt I'll be catching a midnight showing of Tron or anything, I think I really like him.

I was reading some things about the movie and saw the funniest message board post ever. Heading of the post "Are there any snakes in this movie?" hahahahhahahaha. Poor Rylan probably still has fingernail marks in his arms from the grip I placed on him during this scene. Snakes on a Plane has nothing on this one.

I really don't understand how this lost out at the box office to "Little Fockers" -- the theater was packed when we were there. When I got home I immediately added the 1969 John Wayne version to my netflix. Who knows, maybe I will become a fan of westerns after all. Happy new year y'all.